The Council offers a payment plan to break up your tuition payments. To take full advantage of the plan and maximize the plan's potential to spread payments over time, begin paying in July for the Fall semester, November for the spring semester, and April for the summer semester. The plan now offers the option to enroll in automatic payments.
Cost to Enroll
Non-refundable XCD 35 fee, plus the first installment payment (additional payments may be required depending on when you enroll).In North America, a college credit hour costs US $559 on average. Public four-year universities charge US $390 (in-state) and US $1,126 (out-of-state) respectively. Public two-year institutions charge US $141 per credit or $423 per course. The cost per credit at private non-profit institutions is US $1,492.--The College Post, Sep 2023.
As with many academic institutions and projects including the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), SGC calculates the program's cost based on the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) of the country where the student lives. We wish that mature participants in Grenada and the Caribbean can afford to pursue at least five courses with us.
The Council cost for courses per credit hour and country. NB. The Council reserves the right to change these prices with short notice. Participants in any of these courses or cohorts will continue to pay their initial enrollment rate with SGC.
Cost Credit Hr (1) (2) (3) (4)
Specific Countries
Barbados BD $52 BD $104 BD$ 156 BD $157
Jamaica JD $4,020 JD $8040 JD $12,060 JD $12,062
Trinidad TTD $176 TTD $352 TTD $528 TTD $530
OECS - XCD $70 XCD $140 XCD $200 XCD $210
USA USD $26 USD $52 US $74 USD $78
Grenadian and Caribbean participants are entitled to scholarships that SGC will offer.
What is a Credit Hour?
SGC uses the industry-standard Carnegie Unit to define credit hours for both online and distance courses.
Each credit hour corresponds to a minimum of 3 hours of student engagement per week for a traditional 14-week course or 5 hours PER WEEK for an 8-week course and 6 hours per week for a 7-week course. This time may be spent on discussions, readings and lectures, study and research, and assignments.
Most courses at SGC are three credit hours.